Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today: Not Such a Good Day...

I don't even know what day I'm on and my attitude this morning is - I don't really care!  I know, it's terrible.  And I have no reason to be in a bad mood, it's a beautiful Saturday morning, I got to sleep in really late, the living room is clean so I can just sit and read.  Wonderful, right?!

But this morning I have been overly tired and irritable.  And the more I think about it, I've felt this way for quite a while now.  It seems like everything my husband says to me produces an involuntary eye-roll.  What is going on?!  And I'm not pregnant - that's for darn sure.

It surely has to do with my eating habits because this is not a uncommon feeling, but it is new that it has been so consistent and so overwhelming.  When I look at my meal plan the past few weeks, the thing that stands out most is protein.  I'm getting plenty of carbohydrates and (too many) fats - but still not enough protein.  I've gone without wheat, dairy, and various other things in the past - but I've never gone without meat for this long.

My conclusion:  it's time to reintroduce meat (of all forms) and see if the symptoms subside.

Yesterday's meal plan:


Honey and Pecan Pieces


Sauteed Spinach and Red Bell Peppers
2 Whole Fried Eggs with 2 Egg Whites


Vegetarian Shepperd's Pie (delicious!)


Piece of Bittersweet Chocolate :)

I honestly can't remember if I had my mid-day snacks yesterday and it's just so hard to try to think right now.  Isn't that awful?  I mean, how hard is thinking?!  Oh Lord, help me!

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