Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 7 plus thoughts on the week overall

I made it!  One week down.  Today was fine, nothing too big to discuss.  I did have some acid reflux this evening, that was weird.  I blame Smoothie King, they surely put something extra in my smoothie because it was sweeter and smoother than anything I can make at home.


Ginger Tea
Sweet Potato Hash Browns
*confession - I did have a few bites of my husband's eggs


Rice with sauteed spinach and arugula

DINNER (early)

Medium Smoothie King Strawberry Banana Smoothie


Kind Bar

Calories: 800 (oops, that's not good)

So to sum up the week, things didn't start so well.  I had a lot of stomach pain and pressure the first few days which could have been from the quick change of diet or from an intolerance to soy.  My bowel movements have definitely been more frequent, 3-4 times during the first few days.  They've slowed down to one per day and have become more clustered and pellet-like.  I'm not sure why that is.  I'll have to look over my meal plan to see what changed.

I also still have the protruding, hard abdomen that I was hoping would go away.  I've always thought this was from my backed up colon, and it may be, but I'm not sure why it won't regulate itself.  Hopefully we will see some improvement next week.

The cravings have been bad, I'm hoping those go away next week as well.  I spend my days dreaming of juicy cheeseburgers or Layne's chicken tenders with fries.  Anything with a thick, creamy, fatty base would do the trick!  I am curious about where cravings come from and why.  I'll have to do some research about that.

Time to start planning for next week.  This should have happened earlier this weekend but I left my computer with all the documents at work.  So I just have to make it through the morning and I can go by the store before dinner time.  On we go....

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