Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 3: Still Having Trouble

Day 3 is coming to an end and once again, I'm not feeling so well.  I felt great this morning and afternoon until just before dinner.  I was not sure if it was just because I was hungry but at this time I've eaten and am still not feeling well.  The pain is more of a pressure all through my lower abdomen, and occassional burning on the sides.  It could be gas, but I'm not sure what is causing this to occur.

Meal plan for the day...

Banana Pear Ambrosia
- this was a bit scary and I couldn't quite finish it.  I think I used too much lemon, so the tart taste combined with the baby food texture was a little much.
*1 banana
*1 pear
*1 avocado
*1 TB honey
*Lemon juice (I used a whole lemon, will probably only use half next time)

Skipped it, got caught up in work and before I knew it it was lunch time

Left over quinoa and sauteed vegetables
*I ate about 1 cup of the quinoa but couldn't put down the vegetables.  Reheated mushy veges are not so good!

Handful of edamame
1/4 c pecans
1 Kind Bar

Left over quinoa and vegetable soup
*I tried to turn the mushy veges into soup but it still wasn't good, so I put about 1/4 cup of it over quinoa and it worked out pretty well.

Calories:  1300

So as far as the stomach pain, it did seem to come on shortly after my snack so it's possible it was the nuts.  It also came last night after dinner, which could mean it's the quinoa.  I guess the only thing to do it adjust my diet.  I will try to go back to eating rice rather than quinoa and see what happens.

I am pretty frustrated at this time, my hope was that I would feel better fairly quickly.  Fast results never seem to be good results so I'll just keep truckin' along.

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