Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Update and New Diet

It has been a while - last month was certainly a disaster!  Life got really busy and I was unable to keep up with any sort of diet.  I continued to stay clear of gluten and highly processed foods, but even that was a struggle towards the end of the month.  We went on a vacation last week and ate A LOT so I've felt awful ever since. 

The elimination diet didn't seem to work.  I definitely saw improvements during my first two vegetarian weeks (along with new horrible cravings) but I never felt completely healed.  That got me thinking about what it could be causing me to fee so sick all the time.  Then I remembered reading about Candida overgrowth, that it feeds on sugar and can grow all over your insides to make you sick.  While I don't eat a lot of sugar, I've never fully given up sugar.  I still always had fruits, honey, maple syrup, condiments containing sugar, etc.  There is a possibility this could help.

I've never had yeast infections or fungus on my feet so I thought this diet wouldn't pertain to me.  But I have so many other symptoms, and every disease is different for each person, that it could be.  The constipation, abdominal pain, pain during intercourse, chronic fatigue, and infertility can be caused by this disease.  So I hope to see at least some of those improve over this next period of time.

The hard part - giving up sugar.  It's in everything, so I sit here thinking, "what can I eat?"  The hardest part is always the planning and organizing of meals.  If I don't, I won't stick to the diet.  But I also lack the motivation to plan because I'm so tired.  There are some books out there about Candidiasis but few have a set meal plan or an abundance of recipes.  I am hopeful that I might be able to find some help from the Paleo Diet craze - it's very similar minus the fruit and adding in a few gluten-free grains.

Where am I right now?  I am starting to take steps to cut out the obvious foods (coffee being one - so sad) and learn what I can and cannot have.  My next step will be creating a meal plan, hopefully I can start that tomorrow since I will be off work.  And lots of prayer - oh, I need prayer.  This sucks!

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