Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Too Much of a Good Thing...

We love to indulge; our society is one that pushes the idea of doing anything and everything to satisfy yourself.  This comes in many shapes but a very obvious way is through food.  We crave tasty treats - high fat, high sugar little (or big) pieces of heaven.  What I'm learning through my dietary adventures is that too much of anything can become a bad thing.

The new Paleo fad stresses that we need to eat like the hunter-gatherer people of the cave era.  They state that all grains are  detrimental to our health.  And I agree, but only because we have abused those grains.  I believe grains were intended to be good - God made grains and for many of His first followers, bread was a staple item.  Then we decided to added hormones and pesticides to crops, not so good.  And later we discovered the wonders of sugar and started using it in EVERYTHING, hello diabetes.  My question is, would we still be seeing the harmful effects of grains if we grew them and used them as they were originally intended?

I ask this because I've started looking at recipes for desserts and cracker-type foods that I can make while on this anti-Candida diet.  Most of them use almond flour, coconut oil, and stevia.  The Paleo diet also uses a lot of almond and coconut products.  Therefore, I am interested to know what one's health will look like after consuming the same product (almond or coconut) day after day.  Is our body going to develop some form of disease from digesting too much almond or coconut?

Right now I can't really toy with it because if my body is indeed fighting off a Candida overgrowth, I need to steer clear of all sugars and refined wheat products in order for the fungus to die.  But once I am (prayerfully) feeling healthy again, I'd like to think more about how much and how often should I be consuming each type of food.  Every person is different and no diet is fit for all, I am learning that it is about your individual internal system and listening to what your body is telling you.  Then you will find the optimal diet for YOUR health.  I hope to find the optimal diet for my health soon.

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