Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Everything is a Mess!

Ok, that was a little dramatic.  It's not that bad but the diet plan really has fallen apart.  My symptoms the past week or so have been right back at square one.  I can't say it's because of meat since there were other factors involved. 

I felt the best (in some ways) and had the least amount of symptoms (though I added others) during the first two "vege" weeks of the diet.  I had several regular BMs throughout the day and didn't have as much of a constant pressure in my lower abdomen and back, as I do now.  Of course, I had the killer protein cravings and was moody and irritable.

What I realized though is that as I added in things like eggs, meat, and oatmeal - I decreased my fruit and vegetable intake.  So it may not be one of those foods that is causing the symptoms, but the lack of whole, fresh foods from the earth.

It's so hard though, it takes time to plan and prepare fresh meals like that.  I think the stress of it all overwhelmed me (especially with work being crazy busy right now) which did not help the situation.  I want to get a more solid meal plan together than I can follow, with a few days of vege cooking, a few days of meat, and so on.

I also need to reduce stress, consume more water, and exercise more regularly - those are always going to be there and will always need improvement for sure.

Meal plan will be coming soon...

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